All Radio Classifieds Sales SSL Secure Website
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by CQDX11.com
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SSL is a standard security protocol which establishes encrypted links between a web server and a browser, thereby ensuring that all communication that happens between a web server and browser(s) remains encrypted and hence private. The SSL Certificate is today an industry standard that is used by millions of websites worldwide to protect all communication and data that’s transmitted online through the websites.
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A Comodo SSL Certificate is for an online website to protect customer transactions. This means the highest security levels even though NO Financial transactions are done on this website!
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Our website www.CQDX11.com is NOT A CB DX CLUB!
It is a CB Radio Resource for ALL CB & Radio DX Operators World Wide!
This site is dedicated to all CB Radio Operators world wide who have ever used 27.000 MegaHertz or the CB Radio ELEVEN Metre Band!
Also known as 27 Mhz Citizens Band CB radio comprising at various times of 23 Channels – 40 Channels & Australian 18 Channels. Operation on AM Amplitude Modulation & SSB Single Side Band, – both USB Upper Side Band & LSB Lower Side Band.
FREEBAND which could be from New Zealand channels starting around 26.500 through to 27.995 the Australian Marine Band and the start of the Ham 10 Metre allocation.
The secure https://CQDX11.com CB Radio website has THREE FREE Operator Areas –
CB Operators, – CB DX Contacts, – CB Resources.
Listing of your CB Radio Station with comprehensive Information about you: eg Your Facebook Page
Listing of your CB DX Spot Contacts & SWL’s (Short Wave Listening) No contact Spots